عقود رضایی و تشریفاتی از منظر حقوق
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عقود رضایی و تشریفاتی از منظر حقوق
رجوع از شهادت و اقرار در مراحل مختلف دادرسی کیفری ایران
تعذر اجرای قرارداد در فقه امامیه وکامن لا
احکام راجع به فسخ معاملات در قانون مدنی
Today my little listeners, I’m gonna tell you the story of Thumbelina!
Once upon a time, there was a woman living alone in a distant village. She was feeling only after the tragic death of her husband. She always wanted a child, but she hadn’t any. One day, she decided to visit her good friend who was also a witch.
The witch, gave her a grain of barely and said:
go home and plant this.
so the woman did so.
The very next day, a beautiful Tulip flower had grown from the grain. It was so beautiful. the woman hadn’t seen any flower like this in her life. When the flower blossomed, there was a pretty little girl inside it. The girl was no bigger than a thumb.
The woman fell in love with the girl and named her: Thumbelina
Thumbelina took away the woman loneliness. Woman would always tell her stories during the day. Sometimes woman would made a boat out of tulip petal which Thumbelina could row in a plate of water with it!
The woman made a bed with a walnut shell and a blanket out of rose petal for her. So Thumbelina had a soft and cozy bed to sleep every night.
One night, While Thumbelina was sleeping, a frog came by and see her through the window!
Wow! Such a beautiful girl! She would be a great bride for my son! He thought to himself.
So he grabbed Thumbelina and headed back to his house. Seeing his future bride, his son was happy.
I will marry her, daddy! But first, I have to build her a beautiful house.
Ok son! So until then, I will put her on the water lily in the middle of the pond so she doesn’t run away.
So the frog put Thumbelina on the lily leaf in the middle of the pond.
Thumbelina tried so hard to escape, but she couldn’t. So she burst into tears. Two minnows who were sitting under the leaf, heard her crying:
Why are you crying little girl? They asked. What’s the matter?
Thumbelina started to tell her story. When she finished, minnows decided to help her. They started nibbling the lily stem. It was soon after when the stem broke and the leaf floated away with Thumbelina.
But Thumbelina’s happiness didn’t last long. An ugly Beetle came and took Thumbelina to his house! The beetle called his friends and showed them his pretty new prisoner. But they weren’t happy to see Thumbelina!
Oh my friend! You should let her go! She is very different from us. She doesn’t belong here. you better let her go. Said his friends.
So the beetle dropped our Thumbelina in the long grass and flower.
Although she was happy that she was free from her captors, she didn’t know her way back to home! Days came by and she would eat the pollen of the flowers and drink the dew from their leaves.
One day as she was walking, she accidently saw a house that was made of mud. Its entrance was strange and round. She knocked one the door and waited. After a while, a mouse opened the door.
Hello little guest! I think it’s cold out there! Do you wanna come in? Said the mouse.
Yes! thank you!
So what is your story tiny girl?
Thumbelina started to tell the whole story for her new friend.
Don’t worry at all! You can stay here as long as you want.
So Thumbelina started her new life in her new house. She wanted to be useful, so she would cook food every day and tell stories for little mouse.
One day, when Thumbelina was cooking, mouse came by and said:
I invited a good friend of mine. He is one of the richest mice ever.
So Thumbelina cooked a delicious dinner. That night, all three of them talked and had a great time at the dinner table. The rich mouse fell in love with Thumbelina and said:
I will marry you! I want you to come with me and visit my house!
Thumbelina had no choice, So The three of them headed to the house of the rich mouse. in the middle of their journey, they reached a tunnel where they found an injured swallow.
What is he doing down here?! He should be in the air! Said the rich mouse rudely and kicked the swallow!
Thumbelina was shocked.
How could anyone treat another like this! Oh dear! She thought!
So she ran away when she got a chance. She hid behind a rock and waited for the mouse to go! Then she came back and took care of the swallow until he was fine and healthy again. It was spring and the swallow was able to fly again.
I have to go and find my family! They went to a warmer place! come with me! We’re gonna have so much fun! Said the swallow!
But Thumbelina had enough adventure! So she said goodbye to the swallow and he flew away!
months passed and Thumbelina was still wandering in the nature when she stumbled upon the rich mouse again!
OH my beloved tiny bride! I’ve been looking for you for months! Now that I found you, you have to marry me!
Thumbelina knew that there is no way out of this!
OK! But please let me spend just one day more in the open air before coming with you to your underground house.
As she was spending her last hours in the open field, she heard a familiar voice:
Come! Come away with me where your sprit will always be free! Said the swallow!
Happy of meeting her old friend, she agreed to go on a trip with him. She hopped on his back and they took of. They flew over forests, oceans and lands!
When they reached the land of flowers, The swallow landed Thumbelina on a beautiful rose petal and said:
This is the kingdom of flowers! And This is their king!
He was a handsome young king with a pair of wings who was surrounded by lovely flowers. The king immediately fell in love with Thumbelina!
Once upon a time, a poor miller lived with her three sons. Years has passed and the miller of our story got old and died. He left nothing for his sons except a mill, a donkey and a cat. The oldest boy took the mill. The middle one took the monkey. So The cat was the youngest boy share.
Well! The youngest boy whispered, I will eat this cat and make some gloves with its fur! And that is the end of it! I won’t have anything else and I will die out of hunger!
The cat, who was listening stated to talk:
OH dear master! Don’t be sad at all! Just give me a bag and a pair of boots! The will show you that I’m not such a bad inheritance!
The boy, who saw many trick from the cat over all that years, which it performed to catch mice like pretending to be dead or hiding in the grain. So he thouth:
It doesn’t seem impossible that this cat could help me!
So he gave his bag to the cat and spend his last coins for buying a pair of boots for it!
looking gallant in the boots, he put bran and corn in his bag and put it around his neck. Then he slept near rabbit nest, pretending to be dead. He waited for innocent rabbits to come around and look for corn and bran.
Not very long after, a stupid naughty rabbit came and jumped into his bag. The Puss quickly closed the bag. Happy with his caught, He went to the palace and asked for talking to the emperor!
OH! His Majesty! I brought you a warrior rabbit! My proud master, Marquis of Carabas, ordered me to present to you.
Tell your master that I thanked him and he does me a great deal of pleasure.
After that, Puss again hid in the cornfield, holding still his bag open, and when a brace of partridges ran into it he closed the bag and caught them both. He went and made a present of these to the king, as he had done before of the rabbit. The king, in like manner, received the partridges with great pleasure, and ordered him some money for drink.
In this way, the cat continued for two or three months to bring presents to the king, always saying that they were from his master, the Marquis of Carabas. One day in particular, he heard at the palace that the king was planning to drive in his carriage along the river bank, and he decided to take his daughter with him. The Princess was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.
Puss in Boots said to his master:
Follow my lead and your future is made. You have to but go and wash yourself in the river, in the place that I shall show you, and leave the rest to me.
The youngest son did the exact him, without knowing why or wherefore. While he was washing, the king passed by, and the cat began to cry out:
Help! Help! My Lord, Marquis of Carabas, is drowning!
At this noise the king put his head out of the coach window, and finding it was the cat who had so often brought him such good things, ordered his guards to run quickly to the aim of his Lordship, the Marquis of Carabas.
While they were helping the poor Marquis out of the river, the cat came up to the coach and told the king that while his master was washing, there came by some Thieves, who took his clothes:
Thieves! Thieves! He moaned!
This tricky cat had hidden the clothes under a great stone. The king immediately commanded the guards of his wardrobe to run and prepare one of his best suits for the Lord Marquis of Carabas.
The king was very happy to meet the Marquis of Carabas. The Miller’s boy looked really handsome in royal clothes. The king’s daughter took a secret glimpse to him. And soon, she fell in love with him because of his manners and good look!
That day Dim Dim and his friends gathered around the square!
DimDim said excitedly:
I’m going to tie a Dinocity flag around my neck and wear a tasseled hat!
Dinosol said:
So I will wear my beautiful s*******t and colorful wig.
I really love football! I go to Sangi Stadium to see all the matches! We will definitely have a lot of fun this time! said Dinomani.
Yeah! Sure! Aha! Is your seat number written on your ticket?
DimDim said:
Yes! My seat number is 879!
My seat number is 877!
Hooray! So we sit together! What is your seat number?
Dino Money said with a big smile:
Seat number 7!
Dinosol and Dim Dim said together:
What?? You must be joking!!!
No! Why joke?!
Dinosol said:
The seat number seven is very close to the field! That is a VIP seat!
Yes! I have bought a VIP ticket!
Dim Dim said with regret:
Good for you!
But Dinosol said:
After all, there is nothing special! It is the same football match! But he will be a little closer!
Dinomani said:
Does not matter? You sit at the end of the stadium and I sit right next to the field! I can touch the match ball!
Dim Dim said:
Are you really telling the truth? I also like to sit there!
Dinomani said:
Come on! Buy a ticket for the VIP seat! This way we can watch the game together!
Yes! Yes! I’m gonna do the same thing!
Dinosol said:
DimDim! DimDim! Don’t buy a ticket! You have a ticket! The VIP ticket is very expensive, it also shows the same match!
Dinomani said boredly:
You keep repeating yourself! DimDim don’t listen to her! You have a lot of savings! Go take it from your savings and let‘s buy you a ticket!
DimDim, who really wanted to sit in the VIP seat, ran and went home! The whole house was crowded! His father was preparing himself for the match! He had spread flags and colorful hats on the ground and was trying them one by one. When he saw his son, he said:
Where have you been boy?! Hurry up, get ready! We have to go to the stadium and find our seats before the game starts!
Dad! Dad! I want to buy a VIP ticket!
What? VIP? But son! That ticket is very expensive!
Yes I know! But I have the money! I have savings!
But my son! You had saved that money to buy something else! Did you forget that?
No! I have not forgotten at all!
His father said:
Well, my son, if you regularly withdraw from your savings and spend, your money will accumulate later and you won’t be able to buy your telescope soon! Does it worth it?
Yes! I want to sit in the VIP seat!
What is the difference between the VIP position and our position, after all? The seat material is the same! We will see the same match!
Source: moonzia.com
One cold autumn day, a little ant named Anti wanted to take home a big piece of biscuit with all his might! He used to stand a little behind biscuit and push it. He would stand in front of it for a while and pull it with his hands and try to make it move!
As he was trying, one of his friends, whose name was Antolon, stood next to him and said:
Hello Anti! what are you doing? And when his eyes fell on the biscuit, he said:
Wow, what a big biscuit! It must be very heavy! Do you want me to help you?
Anti said:
No thanks! I can take it myself!
Antolone said:
This is very heavy! How are you going to take it alone? It is gonna be a hard work!
Anti said:
No! It is not difficult at all! I am very strong and I can handle it myself! Don’t you know that we ants can lift and move loads heavier than ourselves?!
Antolone said:
I did not say that you are not strong! By the way, you are very strong and powerful! And you are right! Ants can do this! But everything has a limit! For example, can we ants lift a big tree branch? Obviously we can’t! So we have to do our work together!
Anti said:
No need to cooperate! I always do my work myself and I don’t need anyone!
Antolone said:
OK! as you like! But if you need help, you can count on me!
Antolon left and Anti started pulling and pushing the biscuit again! It was almost noon and Antti still couldn’t shake the biscuit! He was very hungry! He said to himself:
Maybe if I eat a little of the biscuit, it will be lighter and I can move it! So he started eating biscuits!
When he was full, he looked at the biscuit and realized that its size had not shrunk too much! But he still stuck to his words and was not ready to ask anyone for help!
It was sunset and Sun went to sleep! Anti was tired, but he was only able to move the biscuit a little! That’s why he sat down on the floor and looked at the biscuit! He said to himself:
If I had accepted Antolon’s help in the morning, I would be sitting in my warm and soft house now!
But there was no one to help him! He looked around but did not see anyone! He looked above his head and suddenly he saw Busy, the little bee, flying! He called Busy and begged him to tell Antolon to come to his aid!
A few minutes passed and Anti was very cold! He was scared and thought that maybe Antolon was upset with his behavior in the morning and didn’t want to come to his aid!
One sunny day, little panda was tidying his room and putting his books inside the shelf. He would put some books that he had not yet read in front of him so that he could read them sooner.
When he was tidying up under his bed, he suddenly hit a big colored pencil. He took it out from under the bed and looked at it. He did not remember that he had such a large pencil before! He thought to himself:
Maybe I lost this pencil a long time ago and that’s why I don’t remember it!
That’s why he put the pencil on the table and went to arrange the rest of his room! After eating lunch, little panda decided to draw! He wanted to use his big pencil! He had a craving for a big delicious cake, so he painted a beautiful cake and when he was done, he blew on the drawing to remove the crayon powder from it. But suddenly a cake appeared on the table! The little panda was a little scared at first, but when he looked closer, he realized that this was the same cake he had painted.
He slowly moved his hand forward and ate a piece of it. It was very delicious! At that moment, a great thought came to the little panda’s mind! He could draw any food he wanted so that he could and eat it!
From that day on, the little panda painted and ate everything he wanted, such as chocolate, chips, ice cream and puffs, and even very fatty foods such as pizza and lasagna!
It went on like this for a while and the little panda had gained a lot of weight. He was walking very hard and could not fit in the chair in his room anymore!
His belly had grown so much and had come forward that he could no longer see his legs! Until one day after eating a piece of pizza that he had painted, he had a severe stomachache! He got dizzy and fell to the ground!
When he opened his eyes, Dr. Goat was standing above him! He said to the little panda:
You ate too much! From now on, you should be careful about what you eat and you should exercise!
When Doctor Goat left, Little Panda took a look at his own image in the mirror! and He was very surprised! He was very fat! Big belly and big hands and feet! He got so upset!
Now he understood why he walks so hard and can’t play with his friends like before! From that day on, the little panda started to exercise and eat healthy food! Once he wanted to throw away his magic pencil! But he thought to himself:
Why should I throw it away?! I can paint healthy foods with it! Like apples, oranges, lettuce and broccoli!
Source: storiestogrowby , moonzia
One cold autumn day, a little ant named Anti wanted to take home a big piece of biscuit with all his might! He used to stand a little behind biscuit and push it. He would stand in front of it for a while and pull it with his hands and try to make it move!
As he was trying, one of his friends, whose name was Antolon, stood next to him and said:
Hello Anti! what are you doing? And when his eyes fell on the biscuit, he said:
Wow, what a big biscuit! It must be very heavy! Do you want me to help you?
Anti said:
No thanks! I can take it myself!
Antolone said:
This is very heavy! How are you going to take it alone? It is gonna be a hard work!
Anti said:
No! It is not difficult at all! I am very strong and I can handle it myself! Don’t you know that we ants can lift and move loads heavier than ourselves?!
Antolone said:
I did not say that you are not strong! By the way, you are very strong and powerful! And you are right! Ants can do this! But everything has a limit! For example, can we ants lift a big tree branch? Obviously we can’t! So we have to do our work together!
Anti said:
No need to cooperate! I always do my work myself and I don’t need anyone!
Antolone said:
OK! as you like! But if you need help, you can count on me!
Antolon left and Anti started pulling and pushing the biscuit again! It was almost noon and Antti still couldn’t shake the biscuit! He was very hungry! He said to himself:
Maybe if I eat a little of the biscuit, it will be lighter and I can move it! So he started eating biscuits!
When he was full, he looked at the biscuit and realized that its size had not shrunk too much! But he still stuck to his words and was not ready to ask anyone for help!
It was sunset and Sun went to sleep! Anti was tired, but he was only able to move the biscuit a little! That’s why he sat down on the floor and looked at the biscuit! He said to himself:
If I had accepted Antolon’s help in the morning, I would be sitting in my warm and soft house now!
But there was no one to help him! He looked around but did not see anyone! He looked above his head and suddenly he saw Busy, the little bee, flying! He called Busy and begged him to tell Antolon to come to his aid!
A few minutes passed and Anti was very cold! He was scared and thought that maybe Antolon was upset with his behavior in the morning and didn’t want to come to his aid!
One sunny day, little panda was tidying his room and putting his books inside the shelf. He would put some books that he had not yet read in front of him so that he could read them sooner.
When he was tidying up under his bed, he suddenly hit a big colored pencil. He took it out from under the bed and looked at it. He did not remember that he had such a large pencil before! He thought to himself:
Maybe I lost this pencil a long time ago and that’s why I don’t remember it!
That’s why he put the pencil on the table and went to arrange the rest of his room! After eating lunch, little panda decided to draw! He wanted to use his big pencil! He had a craving for a big delicious cake, so he painted a beautiful cake and when he was done, he blew on the drawing to remove the crayon powder from it. But suddenly a cake appeared on the table! The little panda was a little scared at first, but when he looked closer, he realized that this was the same cake he had painted.
He slowly moved his hand forward and ate a piece of it. It was very delicious! At that moment, a great thought came to the little panda’s mind! He could draw any food he wanted so that he could and eat it!
From that day on, the little panda painted and ate everything he wanted, such as chocolate, chips, ice cream and puffs, and even very fatty foods such as pizza and lasagna!
It went on like this for a while and the little panda had gained a lot of weight. He was walking very hard and could not fit in the chair in his room anymore!
His belly had grown so much and had come forward that he could no longer see his legs! Until one day after eating a piece of pizza that he had painted, he had a severe stomachache! He got dizzy and fell to the ground!
When he opened his eyes, Dr. Goat was standing above him! He said to the little panda:
You ate too much! From now on, you should be careful about what you eat and you should exercise!
When Doctor Goat left, Little Panda took a look at his own image in the mirror! and He was very surprised! He was very fat! Big belly and big hands and feet! He got so upset!
Now he understood why he walks so hard and can’t play with his friends like before! From that day on, the little panda started to exercise and eat healthy food! Once he wanted to throw away his magic pencil! But he thought to himself:
Why should I throw it away?! I can paint healthy foods with it! Like apples, oranges, lettuce and broccoli!
Source: short stories for kids , stories for kids
Every day that passed, the little panda got healthier and felt better! He had turned into the same cute and beautiful little panda and could play with his friends again!
One day when he was coming back from the game, he went to take the magic pencil and draw a fruit with it, but no matter what he looked, he couldn’t find it! That magic pencil disappeared as suddenly as it was found! But the little panda was very happy and promised himself to eat every food in measure from then on! Even if it is very tasty.
Today my little listeners, I’m gonna tell you the story of Thumbelina!
Once upon a time, there was a woman living alone in a distant village. She was feeling only after the tragic death of her husband. She always wanted a child, but she hadn’t any. One day, she decided to visit her good friend who was also a witch.
The witch, gave her a grain of barely and said:
go home and plant this.
so the woman did so.
The very next day, a beautiful Tulip flower had grown from the grain. It was so beautiful. the woman hadn’t seen any flower like this in her life. When the flower blossomed, there was a pretty little girl inside it. The girl was no bigger than a thumb.
The woman fell in love with the girl and named her: Thumbelina
Thumbelina took away the woman loneliness. Woman would always tell her stories during the day. Sometimes woman would made a boat out of tulip petal which Thumbelina could row in a plate of water with it!
The woman made a bed with a walnut shell and a blanket out of rose petal for her. So Thumbelina had a soft and cozy bed to sleep every night.
One night, While Thumbelina was sleeping, a frog came by and see her through the window!
Wow! Such a beautiful girl! She would be a great bride for my son! He thought to himself.
So he grabbed Thumbelina and headed back to his house. Seeing his future bride, his son was happy.
I will marry her, daddy! But first, I have to build her a beautiful house.
Ok son! So until then, I will put her on the water lily in the middle of the pond so she doesn’t run away.
So the frog put Thumbelina on the lily leaf in the middle of the pond.
Thumbelina tried so hard to escape, but she couldn’t. So she burst into tears. Two minnows who were sitting under the leaf, heard her crying:
Why are you crying little girl? They asked. What’s the matter?
Thumbelina started to tell her story. When she finished, minnows decided to help her. They started nibbling the lily stem. It was soon after when the stem broke and the leaf floated away with Thumbelina.
But Thumbelina’s happiness didn’t last long. An ugly Beetle came and took Thumbelina to his house! The beetle called his friends and showed them his pretty new prisoner. But they weren’t happy to see Thumbelina!
Oh my friend! You should let her go! She is very different from us. She doesn’t belong here. you better let her go. Said his friends.
So the beetle dropped our Thumbelina in the long grass and flower.
Although she was happy that she was free from her captors, she didn’t know her way back to home! Days came by and she would eat the pollen of the flowers and drink the dew from their leaves.
One day as she was walking, she accidently saw a house that was made of mud. Its entrance was strange and round. She knocked one the door and waited. After a while, a mouse opened the door.
Hello little guest! I think it’s cold out there! Do you wanna come in? Said the mouse.
Yes! thank you!
So what is your story tiny girl?
Thumbelina started to tell the whole story for her new friend.
Don’t worry at all! You can stay here as long as you want.
So Thumbelina started her new life in her new house. She wanted to be useful, so she would cook food every day and tell stories for little mouse.
One day, when Thumbelina was cooking, mouse came by and said:
I invited a good friend of mine. He is one of the richest mice ever.
So Thumbelina cooked a delicious dinner. That night, all three of them talked and had a great time at the dinner table. The rich mouse fell in love with Thumbelina and said:
I will marry you! I want you to come with me and visit my house!
Thumbelina had no choice, So The three of them headed to the house of the rich mouse. in the middle of their journey, they reached a tunnel where they found an injured swallow.
What is he doing down here?! He should be in the air! Said the rich mouse rudely and kicked the swallow!
Thumbelina was shocked.
How could anyone treat another like this! Oh dear! She thought!
So she ran away when she got a chance. She hid behind a rock and waited for the mouse to go! Then she came back and took care of the swallow until he was fine and healthy again. It was spring and the swallow was able to fly again.
I have to go and find my family! They went to a warmer place! come with me! We’re gonna have so much fun! Said the swallow!
But Thumbelina had enough adventure! So she said goodbye to the swallow and he flew away!
months passed and Thumbelina was still wandering in the nature when she stumbled upon the rich mouse again!
OH my beloved tiny bride! I’ve been looking for you for months! Now that I found you, you have to marry me!
Thumbelina knew that there is no way out of this!
OK! But please let me spend just one day more in the open air before coming with you to your underground house.
As she was spending her last hours in the open field, she heard a familiar voice:
Come! Come away with me where your sprit will always be free! Said the swallow!
Happy of meeting her old friend, she agreed to go on a trip with him. She hopped on his back and they took of. They flew over forests, oceans and lands!
Once upon a time, a poor miller lived with her three sons. Years has passed and the miller of our story got old and died. He left nothing for his sons except a mill, a donkey and a cat. The oldest boy took the mill. The middle one took the monkey. So The cat was the youngest boy share.
Well! The youngest boy whispered, I will eat this cat and make some gloves with its fur! And that is the end of it! I won’t have anything else and I will die out of hunger!
The cat, who was listening stated to talk:
OH dear master! Don’t be sad at all! Just give me a bag and a pair of boots! The will show you that I’m not such a bad inheritance!
The boy, who saw many trick from the cat over all that years, which it performed to catch mice like pretending to be dead or hiding in the grain. So he thouth:
It doesn’t seem impossible that this cat could help me!
So he gave his bag to the cat and spend his last coins for buying a pair of boots for it!
looking gallant in the boots, he put bran and corn in his bag and put it around his neck. Then he slept near rabbit nest, pretending to be dead. He waited for innocent rabbits to come around and look for corn and bran.
Not very long after, a stupid naughty rabbit came and jumped into his bag. The Puss quickly closed the bag. Happy with his caught, He went to the palace and asked for talking to the emperor!
OH! His Majesty! I brought you a warrior rabbit! My proud master, Marquis of Carabas, ordered me to present to you.
Tell your master that I thanked him and he does me a great deal of pleasure.
After that, Puss again hid in the cornfield, holding still his bag open, and when a brace of partridges ran into it he closed the bag and caught them both. He went and made a present of these to the king, as he had done before of the rabbit. The king, in like manner, received the partridges with great pleasure, and ordered him some money for drink.
In this way, the cat continued for two or three months to bring presents to the king, always saying that they were from his master, the Marquis of Carabas. One day in particular, he heard at the palace that the king was planning to drive in his carriage along the river bank, and he decided to take his daughter with him. The Princess was the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.
Puss in Boots said to his master:
Follow my lead and your future is made. You have to but go and wash yourself in the river, in the place that I shall show you, and leave the rest to me.
The youngest son did the exact him, without knowing why or wherefore. While he was washing, the king passed by, and the cat began to cry out:
Help! Help! My Lord, Marquis of Carabas, is drowning!
At this noise the king put his head out of the coach window, and finding it was the cat who had so often brought him such good things, ordered his guards to run quickly to the aim of his Lordship, the Marquis of Carabas.
While they were helping the poor Marquis out of the river, the cat came up to the coach and told the king that while his master was washing, there came by some Thieves, who took his clothes:
Thieves! Thieves! He moaned!
This tricky cat had hidden the clothes under a great stone. The king immediately commanded the guards of his wardrobe to run and prepare one of his best suits for the Lord Marquis of Carabas.
The king was very happy to meet the Marquis of Carabas. The Miller’s boy looked really handsome in royal clothes. The king’s daughter took a secret glimpse to him. And soon, she fell in love with him because of his manners and good look!
The king invited him to sit in the coach and ride along with them. Celebrating the progress of his project in his heart, the cat started to march before the coach. after a while, He saw countrymen who where mowing a meadow:
OH you kind hearted people! I order you to tell the king that this meadow belongs to my master, Marquis of Carabas, or I will command those guards to kill you all!
Moments later, The king asked the countrymen:
Who owns this meadow that you are mowing, people?!
To my Lord Marquis of Carabas! answered they altogether, since the cat scared them to death!
You see, your majesty, said the Marquis, this meadow gives a plentiful harvest every year!
They started moving again. The Puss who was still walking in front of them, met with some reapers, and said to them:
Good people, you who are reaping, you have to tell the king that all this corn belongs to the Marquis of Carabas, I’ll order those soldiers to kill you.
That day Dim Dim and his friends gathered around the square!
DimDim said excitedly:
I’m going to tie a Dinocity flag around my neck and wear a tasseled hat!
Dinosol said:
So I will wear my beautiful s*******t and colorful wig.
I really love football! I go to Sangi Stadium to see all the matches! We will definitely have a lot of fun this time! said Dinomani.
Yeah! Sure! Aha! Is your seat number written on your ticket?
DimDim said:
Yes! My seat number is 879!
My seat number is 877!
Hooray! So we sit together! What is your seat number?
Dino Money said with a big smile:
Seat number 7!
Dinosol and Dim Dim said together:
What?? You must be joking!!!
No! Why joke?!
Dinosol said:
The seat number seven is very close to the field! That is a VIP seat!
Yes! I have bought a VIP ticket!
Dim Dim said with regret:
Good for you!
But Dinosol said:
After all, there is nothing special! It is the same football match! But he will be a little closer!
Dinomani said:
Does not matter? You sit at the end of the stadium and I sit right next to the field! I can touch the match ball!
Dim Dim said:
Are you really telling the truth? I also like to sit there!
Dinomani said:
Come on! Buy a ticket for the VIP seat! This way we can watch the game together!
Yes! Yes! I’m gonna do the same thing!
Dinosol said:
DimDim! DimDim! Don’t buy a ticket! You have a ticket! The VIP ticket is very expensive, it also shows the same match!
Dinomani said boredly:
You keep repeating yourself! DimDim don’t listen to her! You have a lot of savings! Go take it from your savings and let‘s buy you a ticket!
DimDim, who really wanted to sit in the VIP seat, ran and went home! The whole house was crowded! His father was preparing himself for the match! He had spread flags and colorful hats on the ground and was trying them one by one. When he saw his son, he said:
Where have you been boy?! Hurry up, get ready! We have to go to the stadium and find our seats before the game starts!
Dad! Dad! I want to buy a VIP ticket!
What? VIP? But son! That ticket is very expensive!
Yes I know! But I have the money! I have savings!
But my son! You had saved that money to buy something else! Did you forget that?
No! I have not forgotten at all!
His father said:
Well, my son, if you regularly withdraw from your savings and spend, your money will accumulate later and you won’t be able to buy your telescope soon! Does it worth it?
Yes! I want to sit in the VIP seat!
What is the difference between the VIP position and our position, after all? The seat material is the same! We will see the same match!
صنعت چاپ و بسته بندی یکی از صنایع زیربنایی در کشورهای در حال توسعه است. نقش مهمی در توسعه صادرات، تجارت و روابط اقتصادی بین کشورها دارد.
برای نشان دادن وضعیت این صنعت، در حال حاضر کشورهایی در جهان هستند که با تقویت صنعت چاپ و بسته بندی تبلیغاتی می توانند درآمد زیادی از تجارت جهانی کسب کنند.
اما در مقابل این دسته از کشورها، کشورهای دیگری در جهان وجود دارند که علیرغم مزیت های اقتصادی در تولید بسیاری از محصولات، صرفاً به دلیل عدم وجود یک محصول قوی از بخش بزرگی از بازار مصرف جهانی کنار گذاشته شده اند. ایران بدون هیچ تعارفی در رتبه اول این کشورها قرار دارد. شواهد موجود نشان می دهد که در حال حاضر برخی از صادرکنندگان ایرانی محصولات خود را با کمترین قیمت جهانی به کشورهای شناخته شده صنعت بسته بندی می فروشند و این محصولات را با چند برابر قیمت خرده فروشی مجددا بسته بندی می کنند.
تبلیغات تاثیر زیادی بر فروش محصول دارد. امروزه بسته بندی آنها یکی از راه های تبلیغ و بازاریابی محصولات می باشد. تبلیغات رایگان و خلاقانه را می توان روی کاغذ کادو انجام داد. شما می توانید محصولات و خدمات خود را از طریق تبلیغات به مشتریان معرفی کنید. امروزه چاپ اطلاعات بسته بندی محصولات یکی از مهمترین ابزارهاست. اما باید در این کار تخصص لازم را داشته باشید و روش درست و مناسب را انتخاب کنید.
زمانی که نام محصول، ترکیبات و اجزای آن، تاریخ مصرف، تاریخ ساخت و انقضای محصول، شرایط نگهداری آن و موارد مفیدی از این دست بر روی بسته بندی درج شود، اعتماد مشتری را جلب می کند. در عین حال نوع چاپ و بسته بندی نیز در این زمینه نقش بسزایی دارد. هرچه طراحی نوآورانه و خلاقانه تر باشد، توجه بیشتری را به خود جلب می کند. پس فقط محصولات خود را بسته بندی نکنید. سعی کنید تکنیک های جدید و مدرن، طراحی به روز و غیره را در بسته بندی قرار دهید تا توجه مشتری را به خود جلب کنید. کیفیت محصول نیز در جلب اعتماد مشتری نقش دارد.
با رقابت شدید در بازار بین المللی، بسته بندی محصولات بسیار مهمتر از قبل شده است. در این بازارها، تولیدکنندگان و صادرکنندگان به انواع بسته بندی، طرح ها، چاپ و ... توجه زیادی دارند و آنها را یکی از ابزارهای بازاریابی خود می دانند. طراحی بسته بندی نقش مهمی در این امر ایفا می کند. طراحی خلاقانه به ما امکان می دهد نظرات مشتریان بیشتری را جلب کرده و محصولات خود را رقابتی تر کنیم. نکته دیگری که در زمینه صادرات و نقش بسته بندی می توان به آن اشاره کرد، اهمیت بازیابی و استفاده مجدد از بسته بندی محصولات به ویژه بسته بندی مواد غذایی است.
امروزه موضوع محیط زیست و حداقل آسیب های وارده بسیار مورد بحث قرار گرفته است تا بتوان بسته بندی را بازیافت کرد و بیش از پیش به چرخه طبیعی بازگرداند.
بسته بندی بخشی از فروش است و تا حدودی می توان آن را جزء مهمی از آن دانست. اهمیت بسته بندی و استفاده از سلفون opp در این است که با انجام صحیح آن می توانید موفق تر از رقبای خود در بازار باشید. بسته بندی عالی با طراحی منحصر به فرد، چاپ و نوع کاغذی که در تولید آن به کار می رود، نقش مهمی در جلب اعتماد و توجه مصرف کنندگان دارد. بسته بندی باید به گونه ای باشد که بتواند به عنوان یک ابزار تبلیغاتی رایگان و کاربردی با محافظت و جلوگیری از آسیب به محصول به ویژه محصولات غذایی و دارویی، فروش را افزایش دهد.
تجربهی زندگی و مهاجرت به کانادا، از دید بسیاری از افراد، کاملا سلیقهای و بستگی به شرایط و خصوصیات اخلاقی افراد دارد. به طور مثال برای فردی که تحمل سرما را ندارد، شاید این مسئله که از اوایل ماه اکتبر، اکثر مناطق کانادا دمای زیر صفر را تجربه میکنند، غیر قابل تحمل باشد.
به طور کلی با توجه به تجمیع نظر بسیاری از افراد، میتوانیم مزایا و معایب زندگی در کانادا را به چند مورد تقسیم کنیم که در ادامهی این مقاله، به طور مفصل به آنها میپردازیم.
یکی از بهترین راهها برای افرادی که در حال کسب اطلاعات دربارهی کشورهای مختلف، به قصد مهاجرت هستند، پرس و جو از افرادی که قبلا این مسیر را رفتهاند میباشد.
ممکن است دوست و یا خانوادهای در کشورهای مختلف داشته باشند تا با کسب اطلاع از خلقیات، تواناییها، تجربهها و … از آن، بتوانند بهتر تصمیم بگیرند.
ما در این مقاله، پس از جمع آوری اطلاعات از تجربیات افراد، دادهها را به صورت طبقه بندی شده، در اختیار شما قرار میدهیم تا بهتر بتوانید هدف و تصمیم خود را مشخص کنید.
کشور کانادا با توجه به سیاستهایی که در زمینهی مهاجر پذیری به کار میبرد، قوانین و شرایط بسیار مناسب و مطلوبی را برای مهاجران فراهم کرده است. این کیفیت شرایط و خدمات به صورتی میباشد، که زندگی مهاجرین کانادا هم سطح و هم تراز با شهروندان کانادایی است.
در سالهای اخیر، شهرهایی از کانادا مانند تورنتو، مونترال، ونکوور و … جزو بهترین شهرها برای زندگی در دنیا قرار گرفتهاند. ثبات اقتصادی،زیباییهای طبیعی بسیار زیبا، سطح آموزشی بالا، فرصتهای شغلی عالی و … از عواملی است که باعث شده کانادا به بهشت مهاجران تبدیل شود.
در کشور کانادا 82 درصد از مردم در رضایت کامل از شرایط زندگی به سر میبرند. طبق آمار جهانی، کانادا از لحاظ پایین بودن میزان جرم و جنایت، جزو 10 کشور اول امن دنیا قرار دارد. طبق سیاستهای این کشور، جذب نیروهای ماهر و کارآمد منجر به پیشرفت بالای اقتصادی، اجتماعی و … شده است.
کانادا یکی از امنترین، مرفهترین، آزادترین و آرامترین کشورهای دنیا به حساب میآید. از همین رو برای مهاجران، زندگی، تحصیل و کار در کانادا بهترین مقصد به حساب میآید. همچنین تعداد بسیار زیادی از کاناداییها به اینکه شهروند کانادا هستند، افتخار میکنند.
گرچه زندگی در کانادا مزایای بسیار زیادی دارد، اما معایب و مشکلاتی هم وجود دارد که لازم است قبل از مهاجرت به کانادا با آنها آشنا شوید.
برخی از اصلیترین مشکلات زندگی در کانادا، سردی بیش از حد استانهای شمالی، دو زبانه بودن برخی از استانها و الزام یادگیری زبان فرانسوی برای زندگی در آن استانها، هزینهی بالای مسکن در اکثر شهرهای بزرگ، بالا بودن هزینههای تحصیل، پهناور بودن کشور و مشکلات عبور و مرور و … هستند.
گاهی اوقات به دلیل عدم بررسی شرایط پیش از اقدام به مهاجرت، عدم انعطاف پذیری فرد با محیط و شرایط جدید و یا سایر عوامل فردی باعث میشود تا مهاجران، پس از مهاجرت با مشکلاتی مواجه شوند.
برخی از این مشکلات با گذشت زمان برطرف شده و برخی دیگر مانند سرمای شدید هوا ممکن است رفع نشده و نیاز باشد فرد مهاجر خودش را با شرایط وفق دهد. بنابراین دلایل پشیمانی از مهاجرت به کانادا ، اصولا قابل رفع هستند و کمتر کسی به فکر بازگشت به کشور مبدا میافتد.
اصلیترین تفاوت در زندگی بین ایران و کانادا، متفاوت بودن قوانین و مقررات و همچنین میزانِ قانون پذیریِ افراد جامعه است. تفاوت در قوانین، بزرگترین و تاثیرگذارترین بخش در زندگی افراد است. کشور کانادا، اقتصادی پیشرفته و کمترین میزان فساد مالی را دارد.
از دیگر تفاوتهای ایران و کانادا، میتوان به آب و هوای این دو کشور اشاره کرد. کشور ایران با اینکه کشور کوچکی است، اما آب و هوای چهار فصل دارد.
کشور کانادا دومین کشور پهناور دنیا است و دارای آب و هوایی سردسیری و قطبی دارد. گرچه شهرهایی مانند تورنتو به نسبت معتدلتر است اما اکثر ماههای سال در اکثر نقاط کانادا، هوا بسیار سرد است.
تفاوت دیگری که بین زندگی در ایران و کانادا وجود دارد، زبان این دو کشور است. زبان رسمی در کشور ایران، پارسی ( فارسی ) است؛ در حالی که زبان رسمی کانادا، انگلیسی و فرانسوی است که در برخی استان برای کار، تحصیل، زندگی و … دانستن هر دو زبان الزامی است.
فرهنگ، در کشور ایران و کانادا، کاملا متفاوت است که در ادامه به برخی از آنها اشاره میکنیم. به طور مثال، در ایران مردم عادت به تعارف دارند در حالی که کاناداییها در کمال ادب، بسیار رکگو هستند. وقت شناسی و اهمیت دادن به زمان، از ویژگیهای بارز کاناداییهاست که در بین ایرانیها کمتر مشاهده میشود.
کاناداییها به مسئلهی برابری بسیار اهمیت میدهند. احترام به تفاوت زبان، فرهنگ، نژاد برایشان بسیار مهم است. همچنین افراد را از لحاظ مادی، طبقه بندی نمیکنند. درحالی که در ایران افراد به دو دستهی فرودست و فرادست تقسیم میشوند.
افراد با توجه به هدف از مهاجرتشان که دریافت ویزای توریستی کانادا، تحصیل در کانادا و یا دریافت ویزای استارتاپ کانادا و … است، موارد متفاوتی برایشان مهم و ضروری خواهد بود.
بنابراین یکی دیگر از مهمترین کارهایی که برای انتخابِ مقصدِ مهاجرت باید انجام دهید، این است که پس از مطالعهی تجربه زندگی و اقامت کانادا، مزایا و معایب را متناسب با موقعیت و شرایط خود یادداشت کرده تا بتوانید با مقایسهی آنها، متوجه شوید که آیا مهاجرت به آن کشور برای شما مناسب است یا خیر.
بهتر است معایب زندگی در کانادا را هم بدانید تا بتوانید بهتر تصمیم بگیرید. در ادامه به معایب عمومی مهاجرت و زندگی در کانادا میپردازیم:
باز هم تاکیدمان بر این مسئله است که هر فردی، با توجه به شرایط خود و استان مورد انتخابش، تصمیم نهایی را میگیرد؛ که آیا کانادا مکان مناسبی برای او هست یا خیر!
من همراه با پدر و مادرم، در سن 12 سالگی به کانادا مهاجرت کردم. در دورهی دبیرستان، به صورت نیمه وقت، پیش خدمت یک رستوران هستم. حقیقتا اینجا انعام خوبی میدهند. شاید بنظرتان عجیب باشد اما درآمد خوبی دارم و راضی هستم.
من پس از گذشت 9 سال زندگی در کانادا این را به شما میگویم که قبل از ورود به کانادا، زبان خودتان را تقویت کنید. مهارتها و بازار کار مورد نیاز کانادا را بررسی کنید. کانادا پذیرای خوبی است؛ اما تضمین یک زندگی لوکس را به شما نمیدهد. برای رسیدن به خواستهها، باید تلاش کنید!
من در تورنتو وکیل مهاجرت هستم. بدون هیچ تردیدی، بهترین گزینه، مهاجرت به کانادا است. کانادا فرصتهای خوبی برای اشتغال و رشد فردی به شما میدهد.
اقتصاد کانادا جزو 10 کشور برتر جهان است. امکانات آموزشی و بهداشتی در کانادا رایگان و جزو بهترینها در جهان است. با توجه به وجود برنامههای مهاجرتی متنوع، راههای مختلفی برای انواع اقشار با هدف مهاجرت وجود دارد.
من یک دانشجوی ایرانی کانادایی هستم. بنظر من سیستم سلامت ما، شگفت انگیز است. با توجه اینکه اکثر کاناداییها به طور متوسط بیش از 80 سال عمر میکنند، کانادا دارای یکی از بهترین سیستمهای بهداشتی در جهان است.
میزان جرم و جنایت در مقایسه با سایر کشورها، بسیار اندک است. سیستم آموزشی نیز فوق العاده است. شهریهی دانشگاهها در مقایسه با کشورهای اروپایی کمتر و دانشگاههایمان جزو برترینها هستند.
پس از 6 سال در کانادا به شما میگویم که اگر به خانوادهتان وابسته هستنید، به کانادا مهاجرت نکنید! نه تنها به کانادا، بلکه به هیچ کشوری مهاجرت نکنید. اما به طور کلی، کانادا جایی است که اگر برای رسیدن به اهدافتان تلاش کنید، قطعا به آنها میرسید.
این کشور، دارای روزهای بارانی و سرد زیادی است؛ حتی گاهی اوقات میزان برف و سرما به منفی 40 درجه میرسد!
با توجه به اینکه قبل از تحصیل در کانادا، در انگلستان محصل بودهام، به صراحت میگویم که هزینههای تحصیل در کانادا پایینتر از اروپا و حتی آمریکا است. در اینجا من در کنار تحصیل، در هفته 16 ساعت هم کار میکنم. مردم با مهاجران و تازه واردها واقعا مهربان و خوش برخورد هستند.
هدف من دریافت اقامت و پاسپورت کانادا و سپس ادامهی زندگی در آمریکا است. کانادا یک راه خوب برای ورود به آمریکا است.
مهاجرت به کانادا برای من، بهترین اتفاق زندگیام بوده است. من 15 سال است که در تورنتو زندگی میکنم. تعمیرگاه کوچکی دارم. همسرم در منزل، کار آرایشگری مشغول است و همراه با دو دخترم زندگی خوب و راحتی داریم.
من فقط بخاطر تامین آیندهی دخترم به کانادا آمدهام. بنظر من کیفیت زندگی چه به لحاظ بهداشت و چه آموزش، سختی سرمای هوا و به طور کلی سختیها را آسانتر میکند. اگر قصد آمدن به کانادا را دارید، خودتان را برای روزهای سخت آماده کنید.
پس از گذشت نیم قرن از زندگیام در کانادا، به شما میگویم که اگر دارای مهارت یا فن خاصی هستید، به شهرهای بزرگ مانند مونترال، ونکوور یا تورنتو نروید. در این شهرها، بازار کار رقابتی است. شهرهای کم جمعیت منابع درآمد بسیار خوبی هستند.
در این شهرها میتوانید به راحتی درآمد داشته و پس انداز کنید. به طور کلی کانادا برای همه مناسب نیست، باید پشتکار داشته و تلاش کنید تا به خواستههایتان برسید.
من در ونکوور زندگی میکنم. بنظر من اگر شما فردی سخت کوش و رویا پرداز هستید و به دنبال فرصتهای زندگی میروید؛ این کشور شما را به خواستههایتان میرساند. ما در سالهای ابتدایی ورود به کانادا، سختی زیاد کشیدیم؛ اما حالا رستوران کوچکی برای خودمان داریم و در رفاه مالی هستیم.
اگر در ایران میماندیم، حتی اگر دهها برابر هم تلاش میکردیم، هرگز به هیچکدام از چیزهایی که الان داریم نمیرسیدیم.
من یک پدر هستم. پسرم را 13 سال پیش در سن 16 سالگی به کانادا فرستادم. در حال حاضر او در رشتهی مدیریت فارق التحصیل شده و کار و زندگی خوبی دارد. عاشق زندگی در کانادا است. همسرم و من هم هر سال به دیدن او میرویم. از نظر من، کانادا کشوری شگفت انگیز و پر از فرصت است.
دو سال است که در کانادا زندگی میکنم، زندگی و دوستانی فوق العاده دارم. تا به حال حتی یک داستان منفی هم دربارهی کاندا نشنیدهام. بهترین تصمیم زندگی من مهاجرت به کانادا بوده است.
کاناداییها افرادی رک گو هستند! توصیهی من به ایرانیان این است که تعارفات ایرانی را کنار بگذارید!
به نظر من بهترین راه برای دریافت اقامت دائم کانادا، تحصیل در این کشور است. کانادا از افراد متخصص استقبال میکند. بنابراین پس از اتمام تحصیل راحتتر کار پیدا خواهید کرد.
با داشتن مهارتهای خاص، مثل نانوایی، شیرینی پزی، آرایشگری ( در تمام زمینهها ) و … میتوانید موقعیت خوبی در کانادا داشته باشید.
سیستم آموزشی کانادا به گونهای است که ارزش بالایی برای آموزش قائل هستند. اکثر مردم در کانادا با سواد و دارای تحصیلات دانشگاهی هستند. کانادا برای ارتقا سطح علمی شهروندانش، سالانه هزینههای زیادی را تقبل میکند.
با توجه به سیاستهای مهاجر پذیری و وجود قوانینی منصفانه و معقول، اگر تمایل به داشتن یک زندگی موفق در کانادا داشته باشید، این یک فرصت عالی برای رسیدن به اهدافتان است.
خدمات درمانی در کانادا رایگان است و دولت، هزینههای درمانی را میپردازد.
من در ادمونتون زندگی میکنم. تجربه به من نشان داده که اگر در ایران تلاش میکنید اما درآمد کمی دارید، زندگی دشوار است و به آینده امیدوار نیستید، زندگی در کانادا برایتان بسیار هم مناسب است. در اینجا یک کارگر سادهی سوپر مارکت، به راحتی درآمد مناسب و زندگی و حقوق شهروندی خوبی دارد.
اقتصاد در کانادا همیشه در حال رشد است!
من در آلبرتا استادیار دانشگاه هستم. به نظر من تصمیم برای اینکه کانادا جای مناسبی برایمان هست یا خیر، کاملا به طرز فکر شخصی و شرایط هر نفر بستگی دارد. انتخاب استان و شهر برای زندگی در کانادا جزو موارد بسیار مهم است.
من نویسنده و روزنامه نگار هستم. نوشتههای من، داستان زندگی افرادی که نتوانستهاند در کانادا به سرانجام خوبی برسند، است. پس از شنیدن تجربیات منفی، این را میدانم که برای موفق شدن در کانادا هم مانند هر کشور دیگری، تلاش، سخت کوشی و مهارت اهمیت دارد.
مهاجرت به کشوری که برایتان غریب و ناشناختهست، کار دشوار و ترسناکی است. من سعی میکنم نکاتی را با شما در میان بگذارم که شاید برایتان مفید واقع شود:
سطح زندگی در کانادا بالا است. یعنی منابع بین همه و به صورت برابر وجود دارد. امکانات بهداشتی نسبت به سایر کشورها واقعا خوب است و بودجهی ان توسط دولت تامین میشود.
دولت از تازه واردان و مهاجران حمایت میکند.
شما در کانادا بدون هیچگونه استرس و تنشی میتوانید به هر مکانی که مد نظرتان است سفر کنید. سیستم ترافیک و شهری در این کشور عالی است.
از آنجایی که کانادا به خانواده و در کنار هم بودن اهمیت زیادی میدهد، پس از مهاجرت به راحتی میتوانید برای اقوام و حتی دوستانتان درخواست ویزا دهید.
من و همسرم 4 سال از به کانادا مهاجرت کردهایم. در ابتدا، 5 ماه زمان برد تا کار پیدا کردیم. گرچه مجبور شدیم از مشاغل سطح پایین شروع کنیم، اما الان از وضع زندگیمان کاملا راضی هستیم.
بنظر من، قبل از مهاجرت یک رزومهی خوب برای خودتان آماده کنید و به هیچ عنوان توقع نداشته باشید که از ابتدا، شغل مرتبط با سابقهی کاریتان پیدا کنید.
ما اطلاعات و آشنایی کافی با مسائل مربوط به خانه، در کانادا و همچنین سابقهی اعتبار کانادایی نداشتیم. به همین دلیل مجبور شدیم 3 هفته در هتل بمانیم تا خانهی مورد نظرمان را پیدا کنیم.
مردمان کانادایی با مهاجران بسیار مهربان و خوب رفتار میکنند. برای زندگی در کبک و مونترال حتما زبان فرانسوی یاد بگیرید. پس از گذشت 4 سال، ما حالا دوستان ایرانی و خارجی بسیار خوبی داریم.
در ابتدا کنار آمدن با آب و هوای اینجا برایمان سخت بود، اما الان عادت کردیم و مشکلی نداریم.
به طور کلی زبانها متداول کشور کانادا، فرانسه و انگلیسی هستند. بنا بر ایالت یا استانی که قرار است در آن زندگی کنید، به تقویت زبان خود بپردازید. در برخی استانها و یا حتی برخی مشاغل به هر دو زبان نیاز دارید.
کانادا یک کشور با آب و هوای سرد و قطبی است، گرچه در تابستان دمای 25-27 درجه را نیز تجربه میکنید اما خودتان را برای زمستانهای سخت آماده کنید.
یکی از مهمترین مشکلات افراد مهاجر این است که اکثرا دارای تحصیلات دانشگاهی هستند و انتطار دارند با ورودشان به کانادا، شغل و سمتی مشابه موقعیتشان در ایران داشته باشند؛ اما واقعیت این است که در اینجا اینطور نیست!
کاناداییها ترجیح میدهند در تمام مشاغل، چه رانندهی اوبر و چه شغلهای مهندسی، افراد تحصیل کرده داشته باشند. بی تعارف باید بگوییم که برای تعداد زیادی از افراد، این شرایط ، خیلی بهتر از شرایط زندگی قبلیشان است.
شاید مجبور باشید از شغلهای ابتدایی شروع کنید تا زمانی که شغل مناسب خودتان را پیدا کنید. این را بدانید که اگر مهارت خوبی داشته باشید و زبان انگلیسی و یا فرانسوی را هم خوب بدانید، به محض ورود به کانادا، میتوانید شغل مناسب و امکانات زیادی کسب کنید.